Thursday, May 30, 2013

xena warrior princess Possible Returning Soon?

Lucy lawless did tweet that  Xena warrior princess could be returning soon but she also said don't give you hope ups as it might not happen if it does return look for it come back in another form that what she tweet here some of my thoughts on how I would the series to return.

too me would like to see it return after it been many years since the last episode aired and I think a Xena return is a good time for TV if it returns to TV form hopefully it won't be a comic thing where you pay online for a movie indeed will be fine I be up for a Xena return but do hope they can get Lucy to play Xena or else it would sucked bring back other cast members as well.

not much info but that tweet there so we shell wait and see if we hear news cross my fingers on this one though lets bring her back if we can.  if not at Least I can go back to watching old episodes of the series.

xena season 1 intro below

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Titanic 2 ship to Sail in 2016 Thoughts

I heared about this last week and lets say my jaw sort of drop after hearing after many many years after the first one some rich guy is going to be re-build Titanic Ship yes you hear this  right this is no joke at all So I figure I write about this Since I needed Something to Blog on Today.

It should be something to see how this play out before it sail in 2016 if they can meet the deadline like how it will be build and will we get update photos on how it doing I am sure we will and also see a few blueprint and models but not much not yet but some good blue prints so far on what it look like.

as for the tickets prices nothing been release as of yet but I look for the price to be high for all 3 classes but I do look for the next titanic to be sold out as so many said they like to too out as for me going no thank you but will be watching the news about it in 2016

it also should be something to see if we get some footage during the trip on titanic like views of the ocean and footage of titanic people or maybe they won't let you unsure have to wait and see would be something to see on YouTube or other sites.

I do wish everybody well to who goes and to the ones making this good luck and make sure you do put more lifeboats in this time just in case. video edit out because it was not working

Saturday, May 11, 2013

teenage mutant ninja turtles movie Remake thoughts and will I go see it?

I have been a teenage mutant ninja turtles fan for years used to watch the series back in the 80's and I do watch the series today the new one on nick also see the movies as well love them too so the question is will I be watching the new teenage mutant ninja turtles remake movie?

Let just say I have mixed thoughts of a yes or no because I don't want them to mess them up and change stuff they could from what I am hearing hope not they should stay the way they are also now I see Megan fox will play April and all I got to say about that is wow she might be way too hot for the role or she will be good have to wait and see Don't think she will do well as Judith hoag did in 1990 movie teenage mutant ninja turtles as April she was Worderful.

again it a wait wait and see for me still a unit I see some trailer to see if it look good or bad should be something to see next year how this play out and this movie might be good or might sucked.

more info on the movie click the link below

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GhostBusters 3 or A Remake of GhostBusters?

For the Last few Years been Hearing about GhostBusters III filming Will Start But Nothing Has Happen Now Dan is Saying It could Start filming in 2014 Unsure about That have To Wait and see I also Heard Remakes Rumors Hope not It would be Hard to Remake the Classic movie Of what Ghostbusters Movie was So I say a Big fat No to A Ghostbusters Remake as for Ghostbusters 3 if they can get a good storyline and indeed get bill on it who right now still saying no then I will Go watch It But As of now I am still in the Middle of a Yes And No for GhostBusters 3 all This Ghostbusters talk Makes me Want to Watch the First Movie again as For now We have To keep On Waiting and See if There will or Will not Be A GhostBusters III

Review schedule info

Quantum leap reviews return august 3  2025 then after other shows will follow and will return as well this give me more time to write them t...