Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mtv Music Awards 2013 Hot Topics thoughts

below I be giving you my thoughts on 2 big hot topics from this year Mtv Music Awards this is not review of the whole show just the 2 hot topics.

First hot topic is well that got everybody talking is the whole miley cyrus VMA Performance all I got to say it was indeed bad and she has indeed lost her mind too me little too far my jaw drop see her doing  that was it too far for mtv yes and no but again they will do anything to get ratings MTV would as  for miley we should of see this coming when she left Disney and cut off her hair and start shaking her butt in the air miley keeps saying she grow up and she is but she should stop saying that everyday because we already know that now after last sunday poor performance she indeed needs to clear her head and the way she acts too boy I would hate to be a kid growing up having her as a role model.

2 hot topic is the whole Taylor swift saying stfu to one direction that what one direction fans think and  they are now butthurt over it but looking at video to me she didn't say that I think she said sorry about the arm or something else now she getting hated more from that which is uncool on her facebook comments saying she ugly and stuff  one direction fans are butthurt because she used to date harry and break up with him so they are making up this stuff to hate her more all I got to say is one direction fans just get over it and more on and stop hating on her for anybody worder why I am stick up for her Because I am a fan of her music and she seem nice she cares about her fans too first time I heared about her was in 2006 think it was when I heared her music for the first time on myspace and that what got me as as fan for years to come and see is she got one of best music voice today better then others as for what I think about one direction lets just say I don't like boy bands like that much  at all and with the way one direction fans are acting makes me happy I am not a fan of that group.

as for the rest of show didn't like it much was boring

below is my fav Taylor swift video and song

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Michael Jackson as Dave Dave Thoughts Do I think Its Michael?

I was try figure out what to write next and this story I run into on YouTube here my thoughts on the whole Dave Dave  Michael Jackson insane stuff.

Let me go on the record bye saying I was a fan of Michael Jackson Music Growing up he was one of best dancer I ever see and great at music and I remember see him  on TV every girl going crazy on him back in the 80's I do have lots of His CDS and a few DVDs too he also very good at Disguise him as anyone when he was  around he could be anyone without us Notice him. but we all got bad news us fans did as he died from a drug over Dose back in 2009 well there was a interview back in 2009 on the day he died was a guy name Dave Dave who was burned by his father years ago and he was also a friend of Michael Jackson who was helped bye him for some reason people think this is Michael Disguise as Dave Dave to fool us that he not dead and that he  is Dave  Dave the whole time  I have watched some videos on YouTube and most of them are pointless from what I see so after see all the videos do I think it could be him or not?

I do have to say Dave Dave Voice does Sound Close To Michael voice  that only thing sounds close but in the end I say Nah Don't think  its Michael he would not do that too his family or his fans he would upset them there is no way prove that him anyway below will be the video of Dave Dave Interview on Larry king from 2009 you be the judge on if you think that king of pop is Dave Dave.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dream Match Up I would Of Like Too See on tv

Below I will Tell you Which Dream Match Would of been a great fight between the follow it would be a good fight.

if there was two hero's from TV That I would like to see who would match up well it would Walker Texas Ranger vs Xena Warrior Princess to me they would both match up good  both Xena and walker have good kicks moves walker could give Xena run for a money on kicks also he can weak you anytime with moves that can put you to sleep fast also he can knock you out with a kick boxing move but Xena can be quick as well if she has a sword look out so would beat you in seconds also she can use pressure points that could weak anyone anytimes she also has great fighting skills and can use the sword very well in fact she beat a army bye herself.

too me it would be hard to pick a winner as both match up very well would of something to see Xena battle walker in a fight.but for years to come they will be remember as heros from there tv shows below will post a few fights from Xena Warrior Princess and Walker Texas Ranger leave a comment below if you like on who you think would win or would you like to see them team with each other then fight each other.


John cena turns heel thoughts

Most of time I don’t write wrestling blogs but had to after see what happen last Saturday it was rock trying to get Cody to sale out too him...