Saturday, November 30, 2013

did Back to the Future: Part II predicted the future?

was watching back to future 2 and its just hit me when watching was some of stuff see in year 2015 of the movie come true or not let go down some of the list that has indeed come true from the movie.

3D movies- we see marty get attack bye a giant 3D shark then years later we got 3D movies so indeed a yes for that.

hand games- we see marty playing old gun west game or something then years later in the future we wind up with Wii system so that is another yes

Flat screen tvs and video calling-
during the movie we see marty talking to needles which look like indeed a big flat tv screen  which is out now and he also use the video calling which here in the future look like google hangout or Skype which again we got now.

some of it is indeed true  and its amazing how one movie predicted the future for what yet to come  but do note we still don't have flying cars yet or hover boards  so there still a few that isn't out there yet but half of what I just list look indeed true also forgot when marty kids was at the table eating they were wear glasses that looked like google Glasses and this movie came out in 1989 so indeed something how this movie showed us what was yet to come.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

wf2008 music Video pick of the week 6

its now once again time to pick another video for this and for this week I pick this one which came out in 1987 and was the very first music video that I see and what a great first music video to be my first watched video back as a kid I have like this video since sing bye a wonderful lady  with a great voice coming in for week number 6  is I think we are alone now  bye Tiffany and also have a safe and great thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

wf2008 music Video pick of the week 5

its has now been 5 weeks since I Been doing this and so far it been fun so here my pick for week number 5 I remember watching this music video back as a kid and I liked it since then. it came out in 1987 and is a wonderful and indeed too me a classic song and effects are awesome for this music video and sing bye a wonderful singer too so here is my top music video pick of the week 5 called  Luka bye the great Suzanne Vega.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

1889-1890 Monkeyshines first film ever shot in USA thoughts

last weekend I posted what was too be the first ever film shot it was not the first film shot here in the USA So I went back to youtube to see if I can find and see if there was footage that some on youtube upload and there was it was film back in years 1889-1890 the very first shot in here in The USA must say it was indeed amazing to see that this  video below lead to films and movies as it is today we indeed came a long ways from this footage below will be post after the Info on the short films.

Monkeyshines 1889 or 1890 an Experimental film made to test the Original Cylinder Format of the kinetoscope, believed to film shot in the United states.

Monkeyshines 1 was shot bye William K.L Dickson and Willam Heise for Edison Labs Both men were Fellow Lab Workers at the company, Contradictory Evidence Exists For Each Claim Monkeyshines 2 and MonkeyShines 3 Quickly Followed To Test Further Conditions.

These Films were Intended To be Internal Tests of the new Camera System, and Were not Created for Commercial use, Their Rise to Prominence Resulted Much Later Due To Work bye Film Historians all three Films show A Blurry Figure in White Standing in One Place Making Large Gestures and Are Only a Few Seconds Long. Scholars Have Differing Opinions on Whether the first was shot in June 1889 Starring John Ott or Sometime between November 21-27 1890 Starring Sacco Alpanese.

Info thanks to Wikipedia

Video now posted Below both Shots in 1 youtube Video look neat.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Shield vs The Wyatts thoughts and why I like to see more

this is my thoughts on the ending of wwe raw this last Monday so here is my thoughts spoilers below.

at the end on raw last week we see a 3 on 2 handicap match it was the Shield vs Cm Punk and Daniel bryan it was indeed a great match in my view then before it ending the wyatts show up and hell break loose between  the Shield and the wyatts  first they started yelling at each other this has something I been waiting to see for months and I said is it going to happen will we  see a fight between them and guess what it happen they indeed fight each stable did it went on for 2 mins unit they form a team to take out punk and Bryan it was indeed a great fight between  the wyatts and the Shield and I hope wwe has a feud between both of them in the future or a least a match because it would indeed be a match or feud when will it happen or may not happen is the question not going to happen anytime soon unless the Shield show up in the Wyatt match at wwe  Survivor Series when they face Cm Punk and Daniel Bryan would be cool but who knows with wwe what they do hopefully they will do this down the line because this is what fans like me and others will like to see it is getting good buzz we shell see though because that fight at the end was indeed worth it and save the show from being more bad then rest of show was wwe posted a unseen footage from the fight will post video below for you too  see what a good fight that was.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Interior New York Subway, 14th St. to 42nd St. 1905 thoughts

Take a trip back to 1905 with this amazing footage after the subway first open this was film bye Biography's Billy Bitzer shortly after the subway's opening it was amazing and is  indeed rare footage  too again its neat see footage from years ago this subway goes from 14th St. to 42nd St. in New York enjoy the free ride below click on video to see it. its last 5 mins long. added the one with music because it nice music to watch with as well.

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Switchback Railway (1898) - Robert W. Paul thoughts

whole I keep look at history stuff I run into another good upload it was my guess the very first roller coaster ever made it only goes 10mph but look fun a up and down railroad it was called a A Switchback Railway in the year 1898 this  here could of open the door years later to  roller coaster rides if it was it sure was amazing how this ride grow into big roller coaster rides it was great see this footage from our past so check out this great footage below and see how it all started.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

View From An Engine Front - Ilfracombe 1898 thoughts

here is some more amazing footage from the year 1898 with another view from engine front of the train as you watch you can see the great shots of lands and building and lots of great lands shots have to credit too the person who film this they did a wonderful job and I also liked how the  film ending  so below after I posted info on video check this out for another great train ride from the year 1898.

Info thanks to BFI

This careering ride through the Devon countryside to the seaside town of Ilfracombe can offer us some insights into the first years of film. "Phantom rides" such as this were very popular with audiences as the novelty of movement was what was so new about the cinema. Films were often shown as part of travelling fairgrounds, so the rollercoaster nature of the trip is no coincidence.

One thing to bear in mind whilst watching is that early film cameras were cranked by hand. So please spare a thought for the man clinging to the front of the steam engine to take you on your journey. All aboard! (Jez Stewart)

wf2008 music Video pick of the week 4

its Sunday once again and time for another music video pick for week 4th and this week I pick this group because they do have good dance moves and also great singers they also last Sunday  pulled  a huge upset over lady gaga, JB, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus at the  first ever YouTube music awards for girls generation I got a boy music video but its cool they got the win over some top names here in the states that video was ok but I look around YouTube to see if they had  some English songs and found this wonderful this song so here my music video pick of the week for number 4 called  girls generation The Boys and must say  thumbs up  for your huge win last Sunday.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

1894 - Annie Oakley thoughts )

it has been fun going though old videos the last few days and I keep finding lots of great old footage this has been a good history lesson back in high school did not like history class that much so looking up old  videos on YouTube here in 2013 is a very good history lesson to me finding out lots of famous names and lots of firsts too. include this women Annie Oakley her name was she was the best shooter of all time watching her shoot like that was amazing it was film back in the  year 1894 the video last only 24 seconds but that all we need to see  her shoot like all I got to say is indeed wow this video below was taken on November 1, 1894 at Thomas Edison's Black Maria Studio watch and be wow as I was indeed and was indeed was one of classic shooters of all time.

World's Oldest Color Film (1901 / 1902) - Edward Turner thoughts

back with another blog thoughts from past videos this time I run into the very first color film  taking a look its very amazing to see this that open the door to many color films today what cool to see 3 kids playing with a fish bowl this was Edward Turner kids bye the way so very cool to find this from the year 1902 or 1901 so check out the first color and oldest film below. it is very awesome finding  this on YouTube. color films went a long way after this one. again sure something to see color films  back then.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Georges Méliès: The Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match (1900) thoughts

back again with some more thoughts on cool footage back from the days and this time I give you my thoughts on Georges Méliès: The Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match (1900) Original title: Nouvelles luttes extravagantes
Breve Storia del Cinema - Il cinema di Méliès

this fits in very well for me liked it because I am huge wrestling fan what funny is when they do wrestling moves they turn into dummy's and fall apart very funny stuff like how the skinny guy try to lift the big guy at the start of there match very stuff this also has some great effects for the year 1900 this could well be the first wrestling match if so it opens a lot of doors to what it has come today with TNA, WWE and ROH wrestling so even if your not a wrestling you should check out because you will have a good laugh as much as I did very cool video will be posted below Georges Méliès was indeed great.

link only since blogger can't find the video on here very odd but go to this link below to see it.

View from an Engine Front - Barnstaple (1898 thoughts

found some great more footage from the past which I thought would share and give you thoughts on but before that below is info on the video.

This 'phantom ride' along a stretch of partly elevated track through the Devon town of Barnstaple and its main station is an oddly haunting experience. Aside from two briefly-glimpsed London & South-Western Railway employees waving flags, no human activity is apparent until the train reaches the main railway station - an earlier platform is mysteriously deserted. However, this allows a greater opportunity to appreciate what are still clearly recognisable Barnstaple locations, with good views of the town as the train approaches the station. (Michael Brooke) thanks BFI for the info.

I must say after watching it was cool watching this felt like I was on a train ride on youtube amazing footage going though the town and see rail road tracks along with house and some people very rare footage this is  but it was indeed amazing I could watch this for hours indeed very cool footage for the year 1898 that right year 1898  nice camera shot from Engine Front too check out below for this amazing footage from way over 100 or more years ago.

link only due to fact blogger can't find the video in there list on here so click the link below to see it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

alice in wonderland 1903 thoughts

again back with some more thoughts on films from back in the days this time I run into the very first Alice in wonderland 1903 film its 12 min film but from what I heared only 8 Min's was found as the rest was damaged from what they said it indeed was a a great 8 min film it very cool to see this one as the very first Alice in Wonderland film  also note they just added the music for fun as the one back in 1903 did not have music so check out the film below if you like and thanks to BFI for upload this amazing footage. also note there is one up without the music as well but I like this one better with color and great music.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Roundhay Garden Scene (1888) - First Film Ever thoughts

all I got to say is wow this first film ever made it film back in the year 1888 and last 2 seconds but this indeed got it start for film it very amazing to see this on YouTube it just turn 125 years old last month that sure is something it was film bye  French inventor Louis Le Prince on October 14 1888 I found this whole looking up old films on YouTube so check out the very first film ever shot below to me its  amazing for a 2 seconds film all I can see we have come a long ways for films thanks to early days of films.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

wf2008 music Video pick of the week 3

its Sunday and now its time to pick another music video for this week and for week 3 I pick this one I see this on Beavis and butthead and liked it a lots its another great song and music video it also came out back in 1988 so coming in for week 3 of my  top music  video pick  for this week is  Edie Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am

John cena turns heel thoughts

Most of time I don’t write wrestling blogs but had to after see what happen last Saturday it was rock trying to get Cody to sale out too him...