Sunday, March 29, 2015

Marshall music video pick of the week 76

well it Sunday and it also time for another great music video pick bye me and this week I Run into this great song have not see or heard this song for years but I remember listen to it a long time and it is a good song bye a great band here is pick number 76 called To Be with You bye Mr. Big enjoy and have a good Sunday. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Marshall music video pick of the week 75

Sunday Sunday it is and it also sort of fav day because it time to pick another great music video bye me been doing this for 75 weeks and still going no breaks at all its only 75 felt like I been doing this longer but that just me. I would thank everybody who been follow my picks for 75 weeks we will keep on rolling and do so with this great music back again when music was great great here is my pick for this week called Baby, Baby bye the great Amy Grant.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Marshall music video pick of the week 74

its sunday and time again for another great music video pick and this week I pick this Great music video and song one of bye my fav singers of all time here is pick number 74 called I just called to say I love you bye the Great Stevie Wonder

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Marshall music video pick of the week 73

its sunday again and time to pick another great music video bye me and this week after going though lots of videos run into this great music video and had to pick it a song bye  Alannah Myles called black velvet a worderful singer she is here is the music video and a big thumbs up to a great song.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Marshall music video pick of the week 72 early summertime tease edition

Marshall music video pick of the week 72 for this Sunday is another summertime tease video bye again one of fav bands who last week just break the news that they are on there way to moondance jam this summer here there are  again huey lewis and the news with another great summer time song called this is it.

Review schedule info

Quantum leap reviews return august 3  2025 then after other shows will follow and will return as well this give me more time to write them t...