Monday, May 14, 2018

80's Movies Reviews marathon more Info

it will start on June 29- July 4 each day leading up to the 4th Movies Reviews marathon from movies from the 80's feature some great movies and on July 4 a all day Movies Reviews marathon up to the 1am next day with a movie reviews every 15, 20 or 30 mins each time on the 4th  so should be fun that all for now have a good night.

Speed Movie review for this week review put on hold

Very Sad to Hear the Passing of Margot Kidder she was my and others favorite Lois of Superman movies so for this week I have put Speed Movie Review unit next Friday so this week movie review will feature the classic Superman movie that I will be review also SuperMan 2-4  Movies Reviews will be Added to 80's Movies Reviews 4th of July all day  marathon more info on 80's Movies Reviews marathon later tonight for now R.I.P Margot Kidder

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

6 days 80's Movies Reviews marathon coming soon

It maybe Early but starting June 29 to July 4th we go back to the Era which I grow up in like many others for a 80's movies Reviews  marathon each day a Movies Review from 80's era each movie picked by me it will wrap up on the 4th of July with a all day 80's movies reviews  marathon unit July 5th 1am so get ready the 80's Movies Reviews marathon starts on June 29 with each day a new Movie Review ended with a all day  marathon of 80's Movies Reviews 4th of July back to the 80's we go this should be fun what type of movies it can be any from the 80's you have tune in  starting  June 29th to find out  to end this blog found this awesome 80's movies tribute below enjoy.

John cena turns heel thoughts

Most of time I don’t write wrestling blogs but had to after see what happen last Saturday it was rock trying to get Cody to sale out too him...