Friday, July 13, 2018

When does Movies Reviews return?

after 16 hours event of movies Reviews I am now on Break Movies Reviews will be back every Friday Started up again on July 20th, 2018 with more 80's movies reviews though the summer so get ready for that and first movie from 80's  that I be review when movies reviews return.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July New 80's movies Review on break unit 8pm

hope your enjoy 4th of july all day 80's movies review event but guess blogger has push the next new 80's movie review to 8pm so to fill  in 6pm and 7pm slots will be 2 classic movies reviews that I have done from years ago  this will keep party rolling will not let die so enjoy reading my reviews of 2 great 80's classic movies for 6pm and 7pm slot they will be posted at reviews section they are indeed both classics.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

4th of July 80's movies reviews marathon now a 16 hours event

I have now got rid of 15 min to 30 min release of movies reviews for wednesday  movie reviews will now will be release them every hour started at 8am-12am which will be the last one so it will now be 16 hours with 16 80's movies reviews find out though the day of 4th of july which ones have to wait and see since I like the 80's movies so much I will now be doing 80's movies reviews though the summer now after this event each friday   also the reason why I am doing 16 hours event why because release a 80's movies review though the hour added up to over 53 movies reviews and I could not get that many done later on another movie review from 80's will be release follow by a 16th hours event on The 4th of July and due Note I think I got a nice lineup of movies reviews that I picked to review.

Tv reviews return in September 2024

I need a little more time as I got movie reviews to do as well so writing both to stay ahead so need unit September unit I post it out so wi...