Sunday, December 18, 2016

Annie Lennox & Al Green - Put A Little Love In Your Heart 1988 music video review

it's christmas month and though this month will be review some of great christmas music videos and this week will be review another one music video from soundtrack of one favorite movie called Scrooged and this music video is called put a little love in your heart bye Al Green and Annie Lennox.

Music video thoughts
what happens when you put 2 of best singers around in one great music video you come up with greatness that what I got to say about this one it's one of best music video great song along with great effects in the background and also showing clips from Scrooged 1988 movie which is rank as well as one of favorite movies as well for Christmas this indeed a great song and music video to get into Christmas mood in my view a very fun music video indeed bye Al Green and Annie Lennox

classic Christmas music video or not
yes in my view this indeed a classic Christmas music video one of best in my view from back in the days hats off to Al Green and Annie Lennox for create a great classic music video.

final thoughts
this well indeed be my favorite music video of all time and anybody who has not see this music video you should because it is a great song and music video for this Christmas.

well everybody since next sunday is christmas there not be a music video review due to christmas but will be back the first day of 2017 with more music videos review so from me to everybody out there merry Christmas and happy new year.

Annie Lennox & Al Green - Put A Little Love In Your Heart 1988 music video rating
9.8 out 10 for amazing

link to music video-

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Wham! - Last Christmas 1986 Music Video Review

well It's time again for another Christmas Music Review and this week review is from the year 1986 the Music Video is called Last Christmas

Music video thoughts
this one is my favorite music video  it is rank up there for a great music video for this time of year great song as well music video is done very well kind of look like he run into a ex or something hard to tell but they all got along and put up a Christmas tree other then yet a very fun music video for Christmas or anytime.

Classic or no classic
yes it is indeed a classic to me great song and great Music video from one of my favorite bands of all time so yes it is indeed rank as a great Christmas classic.

final thoughts
nothing much more to say about this one no problems at all with this one it is great music too me if you have not see it yet you should because it is great.

 Wham! - Last Christmas 1986 Music Video rating
8.9 out 10 for great christmas music video

link to video-

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Elmo & Patsy - Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer 1979 music video review

it time again for another Christmas Music video and this week we go back all the way back 1979 with a music video that fits Christmas very well so this week review is called Elmo & Patsy - Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer.

Music Video Thoughts 
it too me a long time to see Music Video I remember hear this Song many times on Radio When I was a kid and liked it was one of most funny song I heared and every year they would play it and I enjoy each year but now hear in future don't hear it much but when YouTube came along I looked and see if Music video was on there and it was and I still laugh with the way it was set up now I know this funny song I heared on Radio live up to name it was a great music video that fits the song well with music video it is indeed a fun music video to watch at Christmas time.

Classic or not classic 
this one to me was classic to me because I will remember it being part of my childhood listen to it many times on radio as kid and music video is indeed a funny Christmas video if you have not check out you may think goofing or like it. 

final thoughts
Have to say my hats off to Elmo & Patsy for create a great song and music video for Christmas must Christmas songs are not as funny as this one from what I see.

Elmo & Patsy - Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer 1979 music video rating

9.5 out 10 for funny and great

link  to music video-

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Daryl Hall & John Oates Jingle Bell Rock 2006 review

after small thanksgiving break I have return and since Christmas is almost here may as well start review Christmas Music Videos so for the very first Christmas Music Video that I be review a music video called   Jingle Bell Rock bye the great hall And Oats

Music Video Thoughts
I remember see this year ago on Christmas edition of Beavis and Butthead that where I first see this music video and from there liked it a lot it is indeed a fun 2 min Christmas funny as well also notice I think most of family members are band members I think could be wrong but I think you can tell with  dude dress up as grandmama gets for a Christmas Santa also show up and dancing which is cool this is a good song funny part to me the way they dance goofing but overrate not a bad song wish was a little longer though. 

classic or not classic
it is indeed a classic song because it is sing bye one of great bands hall and oats which I am fan of there music and this a great Christmas music fun and funny as well I remember beavis and butthead made fun of it which was funny too.

final thoughts
this is a good music video to bring out and watch during the Christmas even I dance some to it not much but some and also of today still a fan of there music.

Daryl Hall & John Oates Jingle Bell Rock rating
7.5 of 10 for good

link to music video-

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Stevie Nicks Talk To Me 1985 Music Video Review

another 80's review of Music Video Sunday is here and this week we go over one of favorite singer of all time and this also my favorite song and Music Video which is called Talk to me which was release in 1985.

Music Video thoughts
This indeed a great Music video bye one of Favorite singers for a long long time since I was a kid Stevie Nicks to me is Rank up there as one of best singers of all time she also put on some best music videos of all time back then and this one too me one of the best great camera angles great dancing as well indeed this fits the 80's very well just a great video in my it was well down like magic for a 80's music video.

Classic or not classic
to me this will be forever be remember as a great Classic Music Video bye Stevie Nicks from 1980's just like her other Music videos she did not let me down at all this also a great song and music video to dance too and sing along with in my view just a fun music video that is indeed a Classic for years to come.

Final Thoughts
if your A Big fan of Stevie Nicks this classic is indeed for you I see this video back in the days and it's was great review this awesome music video bye Stevie Nicks who is still my Favorite singer as of today here in 2016.

Note. no review next Sunday as I am taking a small break but will be back 27th of this month with Christmas Music Videos since Christmas is next Month.

Stevie Nicks Talk To Me 1985 Music Video 1985 rating
9.5 out 10

Stevie Nicks Talk To Me 1985 Music Video 1985 link-

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give You Up 1987 Music Video Review

it's time again for another 80's Music review Sunday and this week review is called  Never Gonna Give You Up bye Rick Astley release in 1987. let say this will be a rare treat for me to review this never thought the day I would.

Music Video Thoughts
ok where to start on this one well lets say this one of best dancing video of 80's I see everybody sure can dance good in this one lots of good dancing with hot chicksin this most fun music video as well it is a good video to dance to too Rick Astley made this video awesome too with his dance moves too overrate a good song and not a bad music video for anybody who worders what rickroll means who doesn't know look below and I will try and tell you.

Rickroll what is it?
is a bait-and-switch practice that involves providing a web link supposedly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually re-directs the viewer to Rick Astley’s 1987 hit single “Never Gonna Give You Up.” The URL is often masked or obfuscated as a randomly-generated shortlink to conceal its true source from the experienced users. Whenever someone clicks the link and unintentionally summons Rick Astley’s song, he or she is said to have been rickrolled. youtube did this a as April fool joke I remember it was fun so how many times Have been Rickroll let say and it indeed was funny.

Classic or no Classic
it is indeed a  great classic 80's music video and will be remember as video that started Rickroll in the years to come so it is indeed a classic rickroll let say.

final thoughts
a very cool 80's music video if you like anything from 80's this one is indeed for you it is very cool music video.

Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give You Up rating

9.5 out of 10 for great

link to video-

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Foreigner - I Don't Want To Live Without You 1987 Music Video Review

time again for another great Music Video review from 80's and for today Review will be review music video called  I Don't Want To Live Without You bye Foreigner,

Music Video thoughts
too me this is one of best love song and Music videos I ever see bye  Foreigner when it comes to love songs they are the best in my view this also a great music video just to sit back and enjoy it start off pretty cool with earth and sun close to each other then from there it just takes off in a awesome way with great clips of people in love beautiful love song and  Music video I could see people using this song at there wedding too song fits in well with the clips too Foreigner create a classic with this music video indeed something I will indeed watch many times and listen for years to come.

Classic or not
yes this will go down in history in years to come as classic love song and music video bye great band called   Foreigner great song for whoever in love or not as well

Final thoughts
this is indeed another 80's classic will be remember as that too happy it was part of my childhood and was happy to review this one link to this great song will be below along with the rating as well.
Foreigner - I Don't Want To Live Without You rating
10+ for amazing
link to music video-

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Music Video DVR List blog part 1

here will be the List of Music Videos that have been added so far just music videos no ads this will be place where I been added more music videos names to list as well most of music videos are record off MTV Classic network and other networks too for this will go bye rounds rather I record 3 at time before breaks or just 1 music video will have a number and title of song or band who sings it next to number so keep here and look and see which music video show up of what I have on My DVR note year it comes out will be added too after song name and band name.

DVR list 80's part 1
list 1
1. call me al- paul simon 1986

DVR 80's list part 2
2. sexual healing-marvin gaye 1982
3.Kiss- prince and the revolution 1986
4. Super Freak-Rick James 1981

DVR 80's List part 3
5. things can only get better-howard jones 1985
6.perfect way-Scritti PolIttI 1985
7.Heart and Soul- T'PAU-1987

DVR 80's list part 4
8. fast car- tracy chapman 1988
9.closer to fine- indigo girls 1989

DVR 80's List part 5
9. faithfully-Journey 1983

DVR 80's List part 6
10. Hungry Eyes-Eric Carmen 1987
11.Loverboy-Billy ocean 1984

DVR 80's list 7
12. Lovin' Every Minute of it-loverboy- 1985
13.let's go all the way - sly fox 1985

DVR 80's list 8
14. Talking in your Sleep-The Romantics 1983

DVR 80's list 9
15. Don't you want me-The Human League 1981
16. Don't get Me Wrong- the pretenders 1986

DVR 80's list 10.
17.are lips are Sealed-The Go-go's 1981
18.mad about you-Belinda Carlisle 1986.

DVR 80'S list 11
19. You Gotta Fight For Your Right to Party- Beastie Boys 1980
20.Wild Thing-Tone-Loc 1989

DVR 80's List 12
21.Rock me amadeus- falco 1985

DVR 80's list 13
22.Never Let me Down Again- Depeche Mode 1987

DVR 80's list 14
23.take my breath away-Berlin 1986
24. The Glory of Love-Peter Cetera 1986
25. Nothing's going stop us now-Starship 1987

DVR 80''s list 15
26. All night Long-Lionel Richie 1983
27. I''m So Excited-The Pointer sisters 1982
28. 'it's Raining Men-Weather Girls 1983

DVR 80's list 16
29.Cities in the Dust-Siouxsie and The Banshees 1986
30.Love my Way-Psychedelic Furs 1982

DVR 80's list 17.
31. Back in Black-ACDC 1980
32. Sweet Child of Mine-Guns N' Roses 1987

DVR 80's list 18
33.Simply Irresistible-Robert Palmer 1988
34. Some like it hot- Power Station 1985
35.The Reflex-Duran, Duran 1983

DVR 80's list 19
36. 1999-Prince and  the revolution 1982

DVR 80's list 20
37. You are-Lionel Richie 1982

DVR 80's list 21
38. Separate Ways-Journey 1983

DVR 80's List 22
39. I know There Something going on-Frida Lynstand 1982
40. Jeopardy''-Greg Kihn 1983
41. She BlInded me with Science-Thomas Dolby 1982

DVR 80's list 23
42.Hungry like a Wolf-Duran,Duran 1982
43. Twilight Zone-Golden Earring 1983
44.electric Avenue-Eddy Grant  1982

DVR 80's list 24
45.she works hard for the money- Donna Summers 1983
46. Little Red Corvette-Prince and Revolution 1983

DVR 80's list 25
47. Maniac-Micheal Sembello 1983
48. Do you Really Want  hurt Me-Culture Club 1982

DVR 80's list 26
49. Don't Stand So close to me-The Police 1980

DVR 80's list 27
50. Carrie- Europe 1986

DVR 80's list 28
51,Nothin But a Good Time-Poison 1988

DVR 80's list 29
52. how about us-Champaign 1981
53.Another one bites the Dust-Queen 1980

54.The Stroke-Billy Squier 1981

Dvr 80's List 30
55.The Tide is high-Blondie 1980
56. Angel of the Morning-Juice Newton 1980
57.Passion-Rod Stewart 1980

DVR 80's list 31
58. Queen of Hearts-Juice Newton 1981

DVR 80's List 32
59.Kiss on my List-Hall and Oats 1980
60.keep on loving you-REO speedwagon 1980
61.Rapture-Blonde 1980

DVR 80's list 33
62. Celebration-Kool and The Gang 1980
63.Lady you Bring Me up-The Commodores 1981

DVR 80's list 34
64.Once Bitten, Twice Shy- Great White 1989
65. When I see you Smile-Bad English 1989

DVR 80's list 35
66. get Outta my dreams, Get into my car-Billy Ocean 1988

DVR 80's list 36
67. I'LL be Loving You-New Kids of Block 1988
68. Eternal Flame-the bangles 1988

DVR 80's List 37
69. on my Own-Bobby Brown 1989
70.Giving you best that I got-Anita Baker 1988

DVR 80's list 38
71. Close My Eyes Forever-Lita Ford and ozzy Osbourne 1988

DVR 80's list 39
72. alone-heart 1987

DVR 80's list 40
73. Holiday-Madonna 1983
74. Love is BattleField-Pat Benatar 1983

DVR 80's list 41
75.Still In Hollywood-Concrete Blonde 1986
76. Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen ???

DVR 80's list 42
77.On my Own-Patti Labelle and Michael Mcdonald 1986
78.Time after Time-Cyndi Lauper 1983
79. got a hold on me- christine mcvie 1984

DVR 80's list 43
80.Head to Toe-Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam 1987

DVR 80's list 44
81.people are people-1984\ will tear us apart-Joy Division 1979

DVR 80's list 45
83.Lawyers in love-Jackson Browne 1983
84.Hot Girls in Love-Loverboy 1983 \
85.My Love-Lionel Richie 1982

DVR 80's list 46
86.True-Spandau Ballet 1983
87. your love is driving me crazy-Sammy Hagar 1982
88. Photograph-Def Leppard 1983

DVR 80's list 47
89.Breaking us in two-Joe Jackson 1982
90.Don't Cry-Asia 1983
91.You Got Lucky-Tom Petty and the HeartBreakers 1982

DVR 80's list 48
92.head over heels-the Go-Go's 1984
93.Dreamtime-Daryl hall 1986

DVR list 49
94.Infaturation-Rod Stewart 1984
95. Pink Houses-John Mellencamp Vh1 Storytellers ???

DVR 80's list 50
96.lost in your eyes-Debbie Gibson 1989
97.crazy for you-Madonna 1985
98. All the time-Tiffany 1988

DVR 80's list 51
99.Total Eclipse Of the Heart-Bonnie Tyler  1983

DVR 80's list 52
100.Touch Me-Samantha Fox 1986
101. tell it to my heart-Taylor Dayne 1988

DVR 80's list 53
102.Little Lies-Fleetwood Mac 1987
103.Heart of Glass-Blondie 1978
104.Luka-Suzanne Vega 1987

DVR 80's list 54 houses-john mellencamp 1983
106 mony mony-billy idol 1981

DVR 80's list 55
107. small town-John Mellencamp 1985

DVR 80's list 56
108.freeway of love-1985

DVR 80's list 57
109.never-heart 1985

classic DVR 80's  music videos list 58
110.oh Sherrie-Steve Perry 1984
111. lay your hands on-thompson twins  1985

Classic DVR 80'S music videos list 59
112.say you will-foreigner 1987
113. it a lonely ol night- 1985

Classic DVR 80's music videos list 60
114.I get weak-belinda carlisle 1987
115.every breath you take-the police 1983

Classic DVR 80's Music Video list 61.
116.lady in red- chris deburgh 1986
117. that the way it is- bruce hornsby 1986

classic DVR 80's Music video list 62.
118.burning down the house- talking heads 1983
119.where the streets have no name-U2 1987

Classic DVR 80's music list 63
120.bad reputation-joan jett 1980
121. should of know better-richard  marx  1987

Classic DVR 80's music list 64
122.vacation-The Go-Go's 1982

Classic Dvr 80's Music List 65
123.the power of love- huey lewis and the news 1985

house of pop DVR list 1
124.Zombie-The Cranberries 1994

House of pop DVR list 2
125.the most beautiful girl- prince 1995

House of pop DVR list 3
126. prove your love- taylor dayne 1988

House of pop DVR list 4
127.How can I fall-Breathe 1988

House of pop DVR list 5
128. I can't dance-Genesis 1991

House of pop DVR list 6
129.I still Haven't Find what I am looking for-U2 1987

House of pop DvR list 7
130. Solid-ashford and Simpson 1984
131. The Loco-Motion-Kylie Minogue 1988

House of Pop DVR list 8
132.I want to be your man-Roger 1987
133.Sara-Starship 1985

House of Pop DVR list 9
134.Kyrie-Mr.Mister 1985

House of pop DVR list 10
135.together forever-rick astley 1987

House of Pop DVR list 11
136. Venus-Bananarma  1986

House of Pop DVR list 12 velvet- alannah myles 1989

House of Pop DVR list 13
138. Batdance-Prince 1989

House of pop DVR list 14.
139.What I am-Edie Brickell And the New Bohemians 1988
140. Karma Chameleon-Culture Club-1983

House of pop DVR list 15
141, higher love-stevewood 1986

House of pop DVR list 16
142.True colors-cyndi lauper 1986

House of pop DVR list 17
143-Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman - bryan adams  1996

House of Pop DVR list 18
144. a whole new world peabo bryson and regina belle 1992

House of pop DVR list 19
145. kokomo-beach boys 1989

House of pop DVR list 20
146. some guys have all the luck-Rod Stewart 1984

House of pop DVR list 21
147. valerie-Steve winwood 1982

House of pop DVR list 22
148.I've Had the time of my life-Bill Medley and jennifer Warnes 1987
149. Count on me-whitney houston and cece winans  1995

House of pop DVR list 23
150.better be good-tina turner 1984
151.hazy shade of winter-bangles 1987

House of pop DVR list 24
152. magic-the Cars 1984

House of pop DVR list 25
153.wicked games- chris isaak  1989

House of pop DVR list 26
154.What I have Done To Deserve this-pet shop with dusty springfield 1982
155.dress you up-Madonna 1984

House of pop DVR list 27
156.Love Shack-The B-52's 1989
157. the look-Roxette 1988

House of pop DVR list 28
158.the sign ace of base-1992
159.believe-cher 1998

Rock Block DVR list 1 bloom- nirvana 1991

Rock Block DVR list 2 belong to the city-glenn frey 1985
162.stand-REM 1988

Rock block DVR list 3
163 I saw red- warrant 1990

Rock Block DVR list 4
164.cherry pie- warrant 1990
165.mad about you- ugly kid joe  1992

Rock Block DVR list 5
166.Here Without you-3 doors Down 2002

Rock Block DVR list 6
167. how you remind me-nickelback 2001

Rock Block DVR list 7
168.walking after-Foo fighters

Rock Block DVR list 8
169.beautiful day- u2 2000
170.the space between-dave matthews band 2001

Rock Block DVR list 9 song- tesla 1989
172. love of a lifetime-firehouse 1990 and affection-nelson 1990
174.hands clean-Alanis Morissette 2002

Rock Block DVR list 10
175. Bad Medicine-Bovi Jovi 1988
176. I don't want to live without you-Foreigner 1987
177. When the Children Cry-White Lion 1987

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Suzanne Vega Luka 1987 Music Video Review

well it's now Sunday again and time for another Music Video review from past and this week review is called Luka bye Suzanne Vega from 1987.

Music Video thoughts
this is another great music video and also been my favorite song for years Luka is wonderful song sing bye Suzanne Vega who has a amazing voice too this video is awesome with the way effects with sound and audio is just a amazing video this also this song is about a boy who live upstairs and was abuse that what she said in a interview so sort of sad song but a great one and this music video is put together well too it is well done and is a awesome  music video and song write bye the great Suzanne Vega and this Music Video will indeed be my favorite song and Music Video for years to come.

Classic or not Classic
this will go down as a classic 80's Music video in my view for years to come and it's on my top favorites of 1980's music videos.

final thoughts
I will always remember see this music video and liked it since then Hats off to Suzanne Vega for create a great song and Music video if you have not see this one watch and see because you will like it as much as I do.

Suzanne Vega Luka 1987 Music Video Rating
10/10 for amazing

link to Suzanne Vega Luka Music Video

Sunday, October 16, 2016

genesis land of confusion 1987 Music Video Review

well it time again for another 80's Music Video review  and this week will be review the creepy land of confusion music video bye genesis which was release in 1984.

Music Video Thoughts
I remember watching this kid back when it was release it was one of most creepy Music videos in my view release the puppets look creepy note you will see band as puppets along with some names you see before as well looking creepy even  ronald reagan and his wife as puppets look scary  Spock who I just notice is one of most ugly puppets on there don't have time to list them all  but watch and see how many you can find who you see before  me I only found  well a few good luck hard to tell because puppets are ugly ones song was not bad it was a creepy and can of funny looking too it will go down to me as one of creepy 80's music video growing up with but do note  GENESIS was a good band.

Classic or no Classic
if there something called creepy classic this would indeed fit this 80's Music video in my view that all I got to say about it being a classic or no classic.

final thoughts
they could of made puppets less scary and creepy as well in this one otherwise the song is very good in my view note this could indeed scare you or give you nightmares as well. well that it for this week Music video review from the 80's have a good day.

genesis land of confusion 1987 Music Video

 rating 8.5 out 10 for creepy

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fleetwood mac Little lies 1987 Music Video Review

well a new era has started with each Sunday a new Music video review  each week now and what better way to started it off with 1987 music video review  called Little lies bye Fleetwood Mac.

music video thoughts
I have been a fan of Fleetwood Mac for this years and growing up with there music this one of best music videos and songs bye them it put Together well effects are awesome great singing too this one.also I remember being sick when I was a kid and this music video was on my tv and  made me feel better so it help me a lot this one did wonderful music video though not good times this music video is still one of my favorite Fleetwood mac as of today great song of of the best as well and also will remember this as being one of my childhood music videos.

Classic or no classic
to me this will go down as one of classic music videos of the 80's and is still a classic in today era. Fleetwood mac and Stevie Nicks are still my favorites today and this one is indeed better then some of today music as well also Fleetwood Mac is a Classic Band as well

final thoughts
if you like Fleetwood mac and still not see or heared this one check it because you will indeed like it as much as I do you will not be letdown either.

fleetwood mac little lies rating
10+ for awesome

link to fleetwood mac little lies music video

Music Videos annotations game II 80's style

in just a bit will be my Music Video reviews debut but before that here is a cool game I create with annotations feature on Youtube it easy all you do is click the number and it will take you too a 80's Music Video picked bye me will post video to game below enjoy and see you in a bit with the first music video start with 80's music video called Little Lies bye Fleetwood Mac. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

marshall music video pick of week 154 series finale

well Sunday here  again and this is the series finale of my music pick of the week After 154 weeks which was a nice run in my view it been fun but do note this is not end started next week  marshall music video pick of the week becomes music videos reviews  each week like movies reviews  will be review music videos from the past and maybe from today era have to wait and see I am very Excited to be review music videos each week and what it will bring for me and what better way to start with era of music I grow up with 80's music videos reviews started next Sunday but now here is my final music video pick of the week 154 what better way to end it with this great song bye Paul Carrack called Don't Shed A Tear get ready a new era starts here on blog next week.


The Bangles- Going Down to Liverpool 1984 Music video Review

time again for another music video review and this week music video review will be Going Down To Liverpool bye the Bangles which come out in 1984 yep another 80's Music Video

Fact. Katrina and the Waves is original version of Going Down to Liverpool just thought I throw that in.

Music Video thoughts
well in this one you see the bangles in backseat singing sort of in driver the seat is none then Leonard Nimoy himself with sun glasses in driver seat then he turns on radio then bangles start singing Going Down To Liverpool they look can of bored too and Leonard face reaction was kind of funny when they started singing so then he turns the radio off then one of band turns it on his face is like ok note he doesn't say much which is good because his face reaction was indeed funny without him the music video would be can of boring but it not Suzanna look pretty in this one with her short hair not a bad video Leonard Nimoy face reaction made it more fun though.also note the bangles look at Leonard a lot.

Classic or not classic
sort of let say even though it was a good video was kind of a odd one but funny 80's Music videos with Leonard Nimoy and The Bangles.

Final thoughts
in the end I am a huge fan of the bangles and like all there music and this one even though this is a cover of  original version it is still very good they did a great job on this if you are fan of them and 80's classic music videos you will indeed like this one as well.

Going Down To Liverpool - The Bangles 1984 Music Video rating
8.5 out of 10 for very good.

link to Going Down To Liverpool - The Bangles 1984 Music Video

Sunday, September 18, 2016

marshall music video pick of week 153

week 153 for music pick of week is here but next Sunday after 154 weeks  music video pick of week will be ending but started next month will be replace with music videos reviews right here in blog every Sunday section more info on that next Sunday as for now here is this week music video pick one of my favorite music videos called    California Girls bye  David Lee Roth

Sunday, September 11, 2016

marshall music video pick of week 152

week 152 of music video pick of the week is now here and this week pick we go all the way back to days with a great music from Abba here song called I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do for pick 152.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

marshall music video pick of week 151

welcome to another Sunday of great music videos picked bye me and today I did a review of MTV 1st hour and figure I would pick 1 of music videos that aired on there and this singer is one of favorite singers of all time as well so here is picked 151 and also one of music videos that aired on mtv first day call you better run bye Pat Benatar link to MTV first hour review is here

Sunday, August 28, 2016

marshall music video pick of week 150

welcome to another edition of music video pick of the week for week 150 that right 150 weeks now of great music videos picked bye me so which video do I pick this week well if you guess another 80's music video you was right I see this music video years and it is still one of favorite music video so here this week picked of week called come on eileen bye   dexys midnight runners

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 149

it week 149 of music video pick of the week and this week pick is bye one of fav bands of all time so time wasted here is pick 149 called love song bye the Cure.

1980's movie reviews list done bye me so far with links

here are links to 1980's movies I review so far and plan to do more each link will take you to the review.

1,Ghostbusters 1984-

2. Ghostbusters II 1989-

3. Return to Oz 1985-

4.  Teen Witch 1987-

5. the black cat 1989-

6. Mannquin 1987-

7. Howard the Duck 1986 -

8.Garbage pail kids 1987-

9. lucas 1986-

10.  Mask 1985-

11.munchies 1987-

12. The Blob 1988-

13. The Funhouse 1981-

14.HALLOWEEN 3 1982-

15. Dolls 1987-

16.Motel Hell 1980-

17. Puppet Master 1989-

18. Lost Boys 1987-

19.Big Top Pee Wee 1988-

20. Ghoulies 1985-

21. the kiss 1988-

22. spaceballs 1987-

23. Supergirl 1984

24. Explorers 1985-

25. back to the Future 1985-

26.  back to future II 1989-

27. Curse 2 The Bite 1989-

28. pin 1988-

29. The Midnight Hour 1985-

that all for now more to come soon. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 148

week 148 of music video pick of week is here and this week I pick this great music video he also one of fav singer of all time I also watch his show called live from Daryl's house on MTVL network here is pick 148 called  Dreamtime bye Daryl Hall.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 147

welcome to another edition of the music video pick of the week 147 and still going too this week pick will be another music video from one of all band of all time so no time waste let get right too it with band Green Day with music video called American Idiot.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 146

146 weeks of music video now and we are still going with this week music pick of the week it's from the new movie Ghostbusters movie soundtrack wait unit you hear this one is great and it's called good girls bye Elle King for this week music video pick of the week.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 145

welcome to another Music Video pick of week 145  145 weeks of music videos bye me and this week I pick this awesome music group see them last night for only 5 songs due to bad lighting storm at moondance jam it was still worth it so here this week pick called  More Than a Feeling bye Boston.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 144 back to 80's edition

week 144 of music video takes you back to 80's for this sunday and pick 144 with one of fav songs and bands of all time here is this week pick called  Fool For Your Loving bye classic band called Whitesnake.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 143

it's sunday and time for this week pick of the week and this week is bye a band who I got my picture taken with years ago at moondance jam this song is also my fav song so here is pick for week 143 called  Coming Home bye  Cinderella

Monday, July 4, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 142 4th of july edition

it's the 4th of July and figure I save this week music video of pick of the week for today just want to wish first to everybody have great fun of July 4 today now here this week pick one of fav songs called Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American bye the great Toby keith  happy 4th of July everybody and stay safe.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 141

it's sunday boy week goes fast but here we are again with this music video pick of week and this week it time to get your funk dance moves down this week music video called  Fantastic Voyage by lakeside oh yeah enjoy and have a good night.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 140

we have now reach 140 music pick of week it been fun so far it as I keep going on and on so for this week pick I pick out another great music video and its this one  enjoy and happy father day.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 139

it sunday again and time for week 139 of music video pick of the week and this week I pick this great bye a great singer he been one if fav for years so here is this week pick called  Now & Forever by Richard Marx

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 138

sunday again and time again for my fav thing to do on sundays pick a great music video and this week is week 138 and I found a great song too he been my fav for years so for pick 138 we go to the Streets Of Philadelphia bye the great Bruce Springsteen.  

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 137

it's Sunday and week 137 of another week of me picking some of great music videos and this for this week I pick this kick ass song from one of fav bands here is Skid Row with Youth Gone Wild for the 137 week pick.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 136

it's sunday and also week 136 of music videos pick bye me some of best ones too and this week pick is another great they have been my fav band for years grow up listen to there music and like it a lot so not waste anytime here is pick 136 called Under The Bridge by  Red Hot Chili Peppers

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 135

well it's Sunday again hope it going well for everybody and it also time for this week music video pick of the week and this week picked is a band that will be at moondance jam Also a band I am looking forward to see there so here is pick 135 called I Stand Alone by Godsmack.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 134

it's sunday again and keep rolling with another great music video picked bye me an d this week I picked this great music video bye indeed a classic band so here is picked 134 called Blame It On the Boogie bye the jacksons

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 133

it's Sunday and time again for another music video pick of the week and this week will be another music video bye prince it's also one of new fav bye him so here is pick 133 called Cinnamon Girl link only because this time it is non youtube which lots of his videos have been pulled so enjoy and have a good rest of your Sunday.

Cinnamon Girl link-

Thursday, April 28, 2016

the Flash who might be the man in the iron mask

I give you some my guess Last time but I could of just figure out who is this is my new thoughts now on who behind the mask.

as we see hunter turn out to be zoom all long now we got 1 mask man  left to figure out who still in zoom lair and who he is well there has been hints drop a lot when they head to earth 2 may of drop it all in the Easter eggs you see the flash from 1990 in there but we have no see anything yet to why he in there maybe before the season finale we find out but also same episode we see the man in the iron mask at the end who in zoom lair after that for months been trying to figure out like others who it is I have come with lots of names that could be him most likely he is someone who  has speed too  many said he jay Garrick your right he could be but producer said it will blow your mind once he is reveal after that I am unsure if jay Garrick or wally west earth 2 might blow your mind Barry did ask zoom who was under the mask and he reply you would not believe me if i told you that right there got me thinking but again came up with the same names but today came up with a new what if the mask man is the flash from 1990 series that there would be mind blowing and would be a huge connect to the old flash which we already see so maybe  john wesley shipp 1 time only returns as the flash and not Barry dad. this could  explain why zoom is keep him there to steal his powers at a later date and also explain why we see the flash 1990 in a Easter egg on earth 2 episode would be big me because I watched the flash 1990 series back in the days so that there would be mind blowing in my view.

last thoughts
I could be wrong but this is a big new guess for me but it still could be the only names I guess on before we will have to wait and see in the finale it has been fun trying to figure out who the man in the iron mask man is just hope team flash gets him out there before he dies. that my new guess for the man in the iron mask hope you liked it

possible iron mask man below intro and all

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 132 tribute edition

it's Sunday which I am happy last week was not fun we lost of one great singers and rock star this week he was one of fav growing up also he was from same state where I live here in Minnesota so it is a big loss to the world he was a great rock star and great writer to he write many songs for singers which you never think of that why when he passed it was indeed another big loss to the world and to music which will never be the same again in my view also there was a time I see prince not live but see his limo whole on  vacation we went bye his house there and see a limo pull out big one which was prince so that was cool but a long long time ago so may of not see him but that was cool prince moment he will indeed be miss bye me and others indeed if I have one last thing to say it's thanks you prince for the great music and songs you give us Rest in peace prince. so here is pick 132 in memory of prince called 1999 bye the great Prince and the revolution  before that going to post a moment of Silent for prince not made bye me link only because of lots of his videos being taken down.

link to 1999 video

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 131

another Sunday is here and time again for another music video pick of the week with another band who signed on for moon dance jam this year they are very good band in my view so here is pick 131 called Jet City Woman bye Queensryche.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 130

it's now Sunday and this now the 130th week of music pick of the week as I keep on going last few weeks I been posting music videos from bands that will be at Moondance jam this year and well this will feature another one this band Has signed for Moondance jam in walker as well so here is pick 130 called Glycerine by Bush 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 129

it's a great sunday and once again time for music video pick of week and this week I pick a music video bye another band heading to moondance jam can't wait too hear them there for the first time ever here is pick 129 called  Gotta Get It Right by Sixx:A.M

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 128

allright it's Sunday easter Sunday by the way hope everybody having a good easter today as I am well it's time for this week pick of the week with another great band that will be heading to Moondance jam this year see them live for the first time years they have been my fav years too so here is pick 128 with my fav song and music video Run-Around by the great Blues Traveler.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 127

here this week music video pick of week for 127 week no time waste this week going to get right done too this week pick is a band who just signed for moondance jam this year so here with there song called the red by Chevelle enjoy and have a good rest of your Sunday.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 126

Sunday Sunday it is again and time for this week pick of the week this week we head back to 90's when music was great they were also one of fav bands so here is pick 126 called Round Here by Counting Crows enjoy and have a good night.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 125

it's Sunday and time again for this week music video pick of week and this week I picked this great music videos they are also a band I grow up listing too and they been my fav band for years  so here is my pick for week 125 called Garden Of Eden by the great Guns N' Roses

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 124

it's Sunday and time again for the pick of week if you are watching the oscars now and need a break this blog is for you so here we go this week I pick one of band I liked back in days but they call it quits not too long ago sadly but I still do like there music today so here is picked 124 called everybody hurts by the great band R.E.M.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 123

it's that time again for another music video pick of the week where each sunday I pick a great music video and this now week 123 so here is my pick of week one of best songs I heared for a long long and it is indeed one of fav think you like this pick for week 123 called   The Way It Is by Bruce Hornsby & the Range enjoy and have a good night.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

the flash who I think Zoom might be and also man in iron mask thoughts.

figure I would write this to get this off my mind on who is zoom from the flash tv also thoughts on mask man in zoom lair so we got lots to go over let get started with first on my thoughts on who might be the Iron mask man in zoom lair.

after see last week episode I have been like others try to figure who iron mask man is and why he tap the letters jay and also worder why he got upset after Barry told him on he on earth 1 but before we got more info Zoom shut him and then beat up Barry again some are saying mask man is jay possible but I think he might be wally west from earth because actor who plays wally west on twitter .Keiynan Lonsdale post a picture with him and crew and his mom but if you notice it look like he wear the same outfit as mask man in lair could be wrong but it is indeed some clue it still could be jay but his hands are  dark some so I am going with being wally west from earth 2 now why did zoom told him to be quiet so fast there is something he doesn't want us or Barry to know so there is something up with him tap jay and getting stress out maybe he try tell him his jay unsure have to wait and see, also when we find out who is he hopefully before the end of the season.

who is zoom any ideas?

 hunter zolomon who see early this season and also read that he turns out to be zoom but this is a  tv show so anything can change but do note hunter zolomon is on top on my list still as he might be zoom.

henry allen earth 2 or 1  now that would make my jaw drop and would be huge also why would he want to get away from barry so fast is the  question and also he had not been see for a whole too so he still on my list as being zoom doubt it but you never know I could be wrong.

Eddie Thawne- that another good one would like too see the actor who played Eddie play zoom but unsure if he on another show or not but Eddie Thawne returning as zoom is possible.

jay garrick- well was thinking that but unsure now after what happen on last part of episode would be another great twist with the one they trust being zoom the whole time also he has been acting odd too.

there my list of names who could be zoom could be note all them could be wrong we shell see the question now is when we find out who zoom is hopefully at the end of next episode or after break which will be coming after next episode in this trailer below shows zoom start to unmasked and before showing who he is cuts off  also you have to look but you can see zoom hair which does look short hope we can find out soon can't wait to find who zoom is check out trailer below and also get ready  king shark returns Tuesday.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 122

its' Sunday and also week 122 this music video pick just keep going on going which is good and it will go for a long long time so now that I got that out of whole lets see which music video I pick another one of fav bands since 1990's they been my fav for years and this is one of fav songs bye them so here is pick 122 called Basket Case by the great Green day.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 121 Super Bowl halftime edition

just like last year for super bowl this is Super Bowl halftime edition for my music pick of the week here a song that I picked for years super bowl halftime it's one of fav songs from a band I see at moondance here is pick 121 called Stop Loving You bye Toto and too end this I will say Go Panthers

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 120

it's another sunday and time again for another music pick of week 120 and this week I pick this great music video a great song bye the great bon jovi here is pick 120 called You Want To) Make A Memory.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 119

it's sunday and again time to pick another great music video and this week I pick a wonderful song by a great singer and also one of fav singer she been for years so here is pick 119 called Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under by Shania Twain

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 118

its sunday and week 118 of my music video pick of the week and this week I pick another music video from one of fav bands of all time so no time waste this week here is week pick called I Didn't Want To Need You by the great band called Heart.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 117

once again it's Sunday and time for another m usic video pick of the week and this week I pick is a music video that I have been looking for a long time but could not find but thanks to a music company called Rhino They have now post this week so for pick number 117 here is one of fav song of all time called Fast car by the great Tracy  Chapman.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Marshall music video pick of the week 116 first pick of 2016 edition

It is now Sunday and first Sunday of the new year it was not a good start as we lost another great singer and one of fav singers so for this week music video pick will be a tribute to a great singer and her name is  natalie cole with one of fav songs called I miss you like crazy enjoy and rest in peace Mrs. Natalie Cole.

Review schedule info

Quantum leap reviews return august 3  2025 then after other shows will follow and will return as well this give me more time to write them t...