Sunday, October 16, 2016

genesis land of confusion 1987 Music Video Review

well it time again for another 80's Music Video review  and this week will be review the creepy land of confusion music video bye genesis which was release in 1984.

Music Video Thoughts
I remember watching this kid back when it was release it was one of most creepy Music videos in my view release the puppets look creepy note you will see band as puppets along with some names you see before as well looking creepy even  ronald reagan and his wife as puppets look scary  Spock who I just notice is one of most ugly puppets on there don't have time to list them all  but watch and see how many you can find who you see before  me I only found  well a few good luck hard to tell because puppets are ugly ones song was not bad it was a creepy and can of funny looking too it will go down to me as one of creepy 80's music video growing up with but do note  GENESIS was a good band.

Classic or no Classic
if there something called creepy classic this would indeed fit this 80's Music video in my view that all I got to say about it being a classic or no classic.

final thoughts
they could of made puppets less scary and creepy as well in this one otherwise the song is very good in my view note this could indeed scare you or give you nightmares as well. well that it for this week Music video review from the 80's have a good day.

genesis land of confusion 1987 Music Video

 rating 8.5 out 10 for creepy

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