Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hocus-pocus has been remove from 31 days of scary or not movies review

Just a little note Hocus-pocus has been remove due to reasons I can not bring up so replace it will be either It Chapter 2 (2019) or Child’s play (2019 one I do not pick will be part of 24 Hours movies review event on December 31 along with Hocus Pocus as well see what movie I pick on 13th day of scary or not movies review event

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Summer of music Saturday 9/7/2019 Hour 4

Summer of music Saturday’s has come to a close after this one been fun summer posting music videos I will be going back to force more on movies reviews as before 2019 ends you will get a lot so to close it out save the very best for last by this great band Called livin”on a prayer by Bon Jovi and see you next year Summer of Music Saturday’s.

Summer of music Saturday 9/7/2019 Hour 3

Hour number 3 down to final hour of summer of music Saturday’s for 2019 and here we go with next song no time wasted with this one called you give love a bad name.

Summer of music Saturday 9/7/2019 Hour 2

Hour number 2 brings another great music hit from Bon Jovi that I like called Wanted Dead or Alive.

Summer of music Saturday 9/7/2019 Hour 1

Hello and welcome to season finale of Summer of music Saturday’s and next year it will return in May 2020 so to close it I save the best for a last a band that indeed I like for years and Band name is Bon Jovi so here for hour 1 is the song called Runaway.

John cena turns heel thoughts

Most of time I don’t write wrestling blogs but had to after see what happen last Saturday it was rock trying to get Cody to sale out too him...