For first time will be having any tv shows reviews marathon from 6am- 2am New Year’s Day and New Years from 12pm- 5pm this can be open to any tv shows episodes TV movies as well also for first time will not posting links at that time but will have them in a blog missed posted so to see which shows I pick to review keep a eye out on my blog all day to see which episodes of shows that I will be reviewing think you like the ones I pick out that all for now happy holidays also there will be no reviews for the flash and stranger things this week as it is Christmas week so going to go ahead and take another break but good news they both will be part of this event as well.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
A little break
Tonight reviews but put on hold unit next week do too me hurting my thumb hopefully it will be better next week to return review the 2 great shows.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Tomorrow is it Ghostbusters: afterlife is here final final thoughts
Well after many months and some Delays here we are Ghostbusters: afterlife will be in theaters today or tomorrow it is out in some places here in Minnesota now but I will not see yet unit Friday which will be fun I am looking forward to see how this movie goes with story and stuff and kids characters of the movie also will we get a few Surprise that you did not see coming I am hearing mix reviews of bad and good but I don’t worry about I will go see it tomorrow and be the judge on if I like it or not if it look good to you go see it because from What I see for previews it will be lots of fun and look for my review on Christmas 2021.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Coming Christmas 2021 to movie reviews
A very special movie review event this Christmas since I be see it on 19th or 20th of this month I will finally get the long await movie review of Ghostbusters: Afterlife see what I think finally coming this Christmas night at 7pm.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
The end comes Sunday
What not that ending Marshall 80’s music videos countdown come to a close on Sunday with a Halloween 5 hour Marathon see which bands or singers get finale and see who gets number could be 80’s music videos which might be good or bad or creepy once you see who I pick sure it will be good you will find out this Sunday as it all ends after 500 music videos.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Ghostbusters : AfterLife Final trailer thoughts
Well the final trailer is out yes I say that November 19 is now which is great news in a about a month I will be watching this movie which look from trailer look amazing so let go over and see what I think of this trailer and trust me it will get you hype up for movie next month the way it’s look is this egon daughter and his grandkids At start think we see Egon driving the truck and run into something pretty cool tease there we may get backstory of egon after 1984 and what happen can of like we see parts of egon at start for a second that all which is good we don’t want to give all away yet.
Then we see the granddaughter as mom what kind of Scientist was her grandpapa and mom goes don’t know can’t wait for them to found out true meaning of egon backstory if we get it is what I am interested to see what happen with after number 1 and 2 of Ghostbusters movies with egon story.
Then a few seconds later we see them cute mini stay puft Marshmallows many of them and one gets blend in Blender it was indeed funny moment of the trailer then after that we see that cool trap indeed something to watch for when movie comes out after that we hear a new mix version of Ghostbusters that is pretty awesome this when trailer picks up you see a lot of Easter eggs that lead to Gozer and we see lots of terror dogs they are indeed bigger and more ugly they look good too me this trailer pretty much show me that this movie is going to be good one with great lighting shots in trailer giving away a few spoilers but it was indeed worth it as I will be going to see it come out and I am sure I be watching this trailer many many times before then check out the trailer below for Ghostbusters: afterlife and see if you like it and go see it as Will in November.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Time to speed things up
Started October 1 going to speed up the 80’s music videos countdown with every day the rest of countdown numbers of music videos that will lead unit the end from 12pm- 4pm so get ready for more 80’s music videos and find out soon number 1. 80’s music video that I like.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 7
The last video from the museum later on this week will be posted the video of stuff I got later on along with photos too hope next year I will get to go back hopefully we will see unit later this week enjoy this short part 7.
Judy Garland museum visit part 6
We are nearing the end so this week part 6 and 7 will be posted here and YouTube and later this week will post the stuff I got there and some pictures to rap things up for now here is part 6 short video and part 7 will be 21 seconds next year I may go back we will see for enjoy part 6.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 5
Here is first video of in her home note did not get many but here is first 1 very nice house she was in this one you get a look at her bedroom as well not big house but nice you can see her baby bed where she sleep so indeed was worth $10 bucks taking a look next week part 2 of her house visit will be up.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 4
Before this goes up on YouTube here is part 4 of my visit to Judy Garland museum more of her pictures down the hall again sorry it is fast here is part 4 for you of my trip to Judy museum next week will be first video out of 3 of her house so get ready for that and see you next week.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Ghostbusters:afterlife: trailer 2 thoughts
Man it has been years since we got a new trailer here it is we got one for new Ghostbusters: Afterlife from what I see it does look good there is a lot of good stuff gozer Statue in it does this mean gozer is coming back well there is hints see 1 terror dog chase it look pretty good I hope it holds out come November for us fans who have been waiting can’t wait to see cast back as well November is still a lot questions but hope it gets here fast or just release it early because after see this trailer I am ready to see this as sure many who read this as well check out trailer 2 of Ghostbusters: Afterlife release this November sometimes I think you will like trailer. I hope gozer does return but we will see bye the way check out that Gozer Statue at 1:40 pretty amazing as well soon as find a easter egg video will post it on blog as well along with thoughts for now that is coming soon enjoy the trailer for now.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Laserdisc first one I see in years and why it look amazing still
Well this is s blog extra want to get out because I brought a laserdisc from past ET movie laserdisc came out years ago and are very hard to find as well no I do not have a player but figure it would be fun to collect them because of cover look below I do plan on buying more in future maybe Wizard of Oz one which is hard to find but hope soon will find one but for now here is pictures below of laserdisc I found in 2021 they look like DVDs but not small this time.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 3
his was little late but right here before upload on YouTube on Tuesday it is me taking pictures of her on wall but note was little fast sorry for that guess was in hurry do hope you enjoyed part 3 see you next week for part 4.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 2
Here is part in this video you see what she ride In Wizard of Oz when she got there also her dress on right side you can see that what she wear also that is my friend in background also at end if you look close you can see them ruby slippers in glass door they put them there after it was stolen and never found for 13 years unit they found them which is a good move would of got longer version of them but phone cut off sorry but if you quick Pause you can see them so that it for this week part of visit there stay turned for part 3 next Monday see you then here the video below.
Monday, July 5, 2021
Judy Garland museum visit part 1
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Marshall Sunday night movies reviews info for June 20th
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
It all comes to a end this Sunday
If you thought movie reviews no it this trancer series been a long series of reviews but this Sunday marks the end before that up I did review a extra 24 bonus film called trancers 1.5 so will post that 30 mins before series finale of trancers in this one Jack is back but In his daughter body to save her and his future from once again trancers this Sunday it all ends with trancers 6 review.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Back in Time in 2022 for Marshall movies reviews
Coming in 2022 it’s back in time for year 2022 as I be reviewing some good old classics movies from any era back in days from 1900’s and it all starts in 2022 of January with the first 2 movies of 2 Sunday’s Wizard of Oz long review And next week after A Patch of Blue 1965 I can’t wait to watch some old classics movies and review them for the whole year of 2022.
The Wizard Of Oz 1980 CBS Movie Promo
A Patch of Blue (1965) Official Trailer
Monday, April 26, 2021
This Sunday a 6 week movie series reviews event begins
Jack Deth is a future time hunter of trancers zombies he is sent back in time to stop them from taking over the world see what I think of the whole Trancers series every Sunday for 6 weeks of 6 movies reviews along with 24 Min Bonus film as well it all starts this Sunday with tracers (1984) starring Tim Thomerson and Helen Hunt.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Coming in 2022 for the first movie review of the year
It is a classic and I have review it 2 times now coming in 2022 the first movie review will be Wizard of Oz this time will be longer version with more thoughts from me and find out who I think is Main lead of movie as well other good stuff longer version review of Wizard of Oz comes in 2022.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Marshall Sunday night movie review April 25 info
A group of people wake up in a unknown circle and play a game of deadly game to live the only way to win this game is to vote someone off bye killing them see my review on what I think of this crazy game this Sunday.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Catch up Blog 2 from easter Today
here catch up blogs with the rest of marshall 80's music videos countdown for easter today.
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 281- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 281 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 280- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 280 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 279- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 279 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 278- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 278 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 277- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 277 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 276- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 276 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 275- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 275 (
Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 274- Music Countdowns : Marshall 80’s Music Video’s top 500 number 274 (
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Next Tuesday
Next Tuesday with there being only 2 episodes left of the flash (1990) series will be reviewing both episodes in one night for two hours see what I think of the finale 2 episodes of the flash (1990) and coming this September to Tuesdays review the flash (2014) and stranger things episodes review back to back.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Coming Sunday July 4, 2021 to Marshall Sunday’s night movies review
It is indeed a classic and one of my childhood favorite Cartoon growing up as a kid for the first time ever on 4th I be reviewing Dumbo (1941) this will also be the first time I see this one since I was little so Dumbo (1941) review is coming this 4th of July at 7pm.
Friday, January 22, 2021
Ghostbusters: Afterlife delayed again thoughts
The new Ghostbusters movie has been though delayed hell and again been delayed unit November sometime so again if you were looking forward to it in July again that not happen maybe this gozer Revenge bye not letting us see it or maybe Sony people work for Gozer all kidding Aside just release a trailer to make us happy because right now you are making us fans not happy well in closing least that gives you more time again to watched Ghostbusters 1 and 2 again or if you have not see yet do so it is a good movie again it once again sucks to wait for new one.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Marshall Sunday’s movie review for 1/24/21 info
This Sunday it is the movie for years I been wanting to review for years this Sunday it will happen see what I think of movie one of most comedy and crazy movie of young Einstein at 7pm this Sunday.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Tonight on Marshall Sunday night review ( 1/17/21
It is the final battle between good and evil and final battle of Luke vs Vader plus another small Secret is revealed read what I think about that on last movie review of series at 7pm tonight Return of Jedi (1983) movie review.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Tonight on Marshall Sunday’s night movie reviews
Tonight at 7pm find out what I think about next Star Wars movie the empire strikes back tonight and also find out what I think about huge secret and see what I think about it all tonight.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Tonight Sunday night movie review starts a new era
A new year a new movie review on Sundays nights at 7:00pm started off for first time of Star Wars movie review so get ready a new year and a new night as well for Marshall movie reviews so first review will be out later tonight enjoy it.
Review schedule info
Quantum leap reviews return august 3 2025 then after other shows will follow and will return as well this give me more time to write them t...
this is how you make this good treat learn from a great show Mister Rogers where he goes visit chef brockett and he shows Mister Rogers how...
The review of this movie teaser Beetlejuice is back you will see my thoughts when I get my new computer for now watch the teaser of new mov...